Friday, June 29, 2012

Wednesday - Daisy Unit

We walked from the PAC to the base camp at Eicher Barn.  We took our hats and water bottles to the Grimes Haus and helped plant a rain garden.  There are photos on the council's facebook of this.  We returned to our base camp, refilled our water bottles with Gatorade or Tang (!!!), made a flag and ate lunch. 

We talked about the Girl Scout Law as we were drawing the daisy.  After lunch, filling water bottles and visiting the portapotties, we walked down to the Technology Center to make bottle cap jewelry with the help of USI art students.  Once we were done with our jewelry, we worked on our journals.  We went into the shade of the Business and Engineering building to eat our snack on the patio and played some games in the grass.  We then returned to the PAC to wait for parents.

Some questions to ask the girls about this day: Why were you planting the rain garden?  Why did the leaders keep telling you to drink water?  What camp name did you pick and why?

-- Butterfly

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