Friday, June 29, 2012

Monday - Daisy Unit

We started our week meeting up at the PAC.  From there, we walked across campus to the Forum Lecture Hall to hear Susan Fowler talk about Girl Scouts.  She told us about a baby born soon after Lincoln was elected named Juliette Gordon. Juliette was married to William Low and then widowed nine years later. We heard about how Juliette met Robert Baden Powell, who founded the Boy Scouts in 1908 in England. We heard about Juliette starting a troop of Girl Guides in Scotland, and then returing to the USA and starting Girl Scouts in 1912. (See the diagram Susan sent home for everyone to remember the talk.)  We ate lunch in a courtyard on the way back to camp, and also played games and sang songs there.  Later, we walked up to our base camp, the Eicher Barn and then visited the Westwood Lodge where we did crafts with the older girls: Stress Balls, Slime and T-shirt bags.  We spent some time at our base camp, and then walked back to the PAC to meet our parents.

Some questions to ask the girls about this day: What did you find during our nature hunt?  Why was Juliette called Daisy? How did Juilette lose most of her hearing in one of her ears?

-- Butterfly

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