Saturday, June 30, 2012

Juniors - Group 2
Monday - We checked in, stayed in the shade of the big oak tree outside USI's PAC, paired up with a buddy & found 3 things we had in common.  We introduced our buddy to the group and tried to use our "outside voice", but some of us were a bit shy at the time.  We went to base camp, got our waterbottles, made the duct tape lanyard for the bottle.  We also sling packs & did the tie part of tie dying.  We hiked to the 11 am Susan Fowler presentation in Forum I.  We enjoyed the air conditioning while Susan entertained us with the story of Juliette "Daisy" Low.  By 12:15 we hiked (starving) back to camp and had our lunch. We dyed the sling packs and laid them out to dry. Lastly we made our stepping stones, using all recycled materials.  By this time it was time to pack up and go!  What a great first day!

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