Saturday, June 30, 2012

Juniors - Group 2. Tuesday - By far the most fun day of the week! Flag ceremony at 9:00 am, followed by rock climbing at 10 am.  We were early for rock climbing so we sang songs outside the Fitness Center. "Down by the banks of the hanky panks..."

Everyone enjoyed the rock climbing - even some who were scared at first! Two girls consistently reached the top of the climb. Whoo Hoo! All were cheered on and encouraged by the other girls. What a wonderful group of Girl Scouts!!


   Lunch outside USI's PAC and then we hiked back to camp.

 In the afternoon we had a long walk to the USI Engineering Building for STEM with Mr. Eller. We paired up and constructed our own robots. We even programmed them to move how we wanted! 

Finally came the part of the day we ALL looked forward to - SWIMMING!  Some girls passed the lifeguard's swimming test and could jump off the diving board.  Most of the girls (myself included) splashed around in the shallow end & enjoyed cooling off after a long, hot day.  Too soon it was pick up time and we had to go.  Some of the juniors were staying overnight so we headed back to camp to set up tents and have dinner.

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