Saturday, June 30, 2012

Juniors - Group 2. Tuesday - By far the most fun day of the week! Flag ceremony at 9:00 am, followed by rock climbing at 10 am.  We were early for rock climbing so we sang songs outside the Fitness Center. "Down by the banks of the hanky panks..."

Everyone enjoyed the rock climbing - even some who were scared at first! Two girls consistently reached the top of the climb. Whoo Hoo! All were cheered on and encouraged by the other girls. What a wonderful group of Girl Scouts!!


   Lunch outside USI's PAC and then we hiked back to camp.

 In the afternoon we had a long walk to the USI Engineering Building for STEM with Mr. Eller. We paired up and constructed our own robots. We even programmed them to move how we wanted! 

Finally came the part of the day we ALL looked forward to - SWIMMING!  Some girls passed the lifeguard's swimming test and could jump off the diving board.  Most of the girls (myself included) splashed around in the shallow end & enjoyed cooling off after a long, hot day.  Too soon it was pick up time and we had to go.  Some of the juniors were staying overnight so we headed back to camp to set up tents and have dinner.

Juniors - Group 2
Monday - We checked in, stayed in the shade of the big oak tree outside USI's PAC, paired up with a buddy & found 3 things we had in common.  We introduced our buddy to the group and tried to use our "outside voice", but some of us were a bit shy at the time.  We went to base camp, got our waterbottles, made the duct tape lanyard for the bottle.  We also sling packs & did the tie part of tie dying.  We hiked to the 11 am Susan Fowler presentation in Forum I.  We enjoyed the air conditioning while Susan entertained us with the story of Juliette "Daisy" Low.  By 12:15 we hiked (starving) back to camp and had our lunch. We dyed the sling packs and laid them out to dry. Lastly we made our stepping stones, using all recycled materials.  By this time it was time to pack up and go!  What a great first day!

Friday, June 29, 2012

Wednesday - Daisy Unit

We walked from the PAC to the base camp at Eicher Barn.  We took our hats and water bottles to the Grimes Haus and helped plant a rain garden.  There are photos on the council's facebook of this.  We returned to our base camp, refilled our water bottles with Gatorade or Tang (!!!), made a flag and ate lunch. 

We talked about the Girl Scout Law as we were drawing the daisy.  After lunch, filling water bottles and visiting the portapotties, we walked down to the Technology Center to make bottle cap jewelry with the help of USI art students.  Once we were done with our jewelry, we worked on our journals.  We went into the shade of the Business and Engineering building to eat our snack on the patio and played some games in the grass.  We then returned to the PAC to wait for parents.

Some questions to ask the girls about this day: Why were you planting the rain garden?  Why did the leaders keep telling you to drink water?  What camp name did you pick and why?

-- Butterfly

Monday - Daisy Unit

We started our week meeting up at the PAC.  From there, we walked across campus to the Forum Lecture Hall to hear Susan Fowler talk about Girl Scouts.  She told us about a baby born soon after Lincoln was elected named Juliette Gordon. Juliette was married to William Low and then widowed nine years later. We heard about how Juliette met Robert Baden Powell, who founded the Boy Scouts in 1908 in England. We heard about Juliette starting a troop of Girl Guides in Scotland, and then returing to the USA and starting Girl Scouts in 1912. (See the diagram Susan sent home for everyone to remember the talk.)  We ate lunch in a courtyard on the way back to camp, and also played games and sang songs there.  Later, we walked up to our base camp, the Eicher Barn and then visited the Westwood Lodge where we did crafts with the older girls: Stress Balls, Slime and T-shirt bags.  We spent some time at our base camp, and then walked back to the PAC to meet our parents.

Some questions to ask the girls about this day: What did you find during our nature hunt?  Why was Juliette called Daisy? How did Juilette lose most of her hearing in one of her ears?

-- Butterfly

Friday - day 5

I cannot believe it is Friday already! How the week has flown! Today is all camp Olympics, so lots of games and activities for everyone! We will be located mostly indoors today, with occasional outings for some water games, but with our temperatures outside being a bit extreme even by summer standards for the Ohio Valley, they will be short.

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Thursday -post camp

Wow! What an exciting fun filled day! And enjoying an indoor/outdoor day that was a potential record breaker for heat!

The last (2) groups experience the rock climbing center (anyone have a picture of Earth climbing the wall? I loved listening to the girls cheer each other on); another (2) with Dr Uduehi's art students (thank you Barbra, Sarah, & Isabella); (3) for geocaching and learning about how to find locations anywhere using your Global Address; balloon car racing; water cycle; the list just goes on!

And a HUGE thank you to USI for helping us with all the spaces we could call home and stay safe and sane in today's temperatures.

Thursday - Day 4 of Day camp

Hard to believe it is already the morning of day four of camp. It is going to be a scorcher today, so we have made arrangements for place to call home and still be active for those times when the girls and their unit leaders need to escape the heat.
Today will be filled with fun while the cadette unit who has been working all week to this time preparing journey related activities for the Brownie and Daisy Scouts to earn the Cadette LIA award.
Junior units will get to try their hands at geocaching as well as creative recycled art with several USI art students.
Stay cool and will post more later.